

发文时间:2021-12-02 阅读次数:

近日,太阳集团tyc151韩奕助理教授在行为经济学信念更新(Belief Updating方向取得新进展,作为第一作者的论文“Confusing Context with Character: Correspondence Bias in Economic Interactions”(合作者Yiming Liu, George Loewenstein)被国际权威期刊Management Science接受发表。

Correspondence bias (对应偏误) 是指人们倾向于将他人的行为归因于其个性或特质,而低估情境因素(例如个人所面临的激励)对其行为的影响。以前被经济学家忽视的对应偏误,对日常生活中的经济互动有着重要的影响。当雇主决定雇用哪位雇员,当大学招生官决定录取哪位学生读研,当董事会决定给CEO多高的报酬时,他们通常不能直接观察到相关人员质,而是需要从观察到的行为和结果中进行推断。使这一过程更加复杂化的是,人们的选择也受到情境因素的严重影响,例如,在上述例子中,员工在上一份工作中面临挑战的难度不同会影响他的KPI申请读研的大在大学评分标准不同会影响他的GPA,以及CEO管理的公司所行业的整体走势会影响他的业绩。在这样的环境中,一个理性人能够分析不同外部环境对行为和结果的影响,从而对人的特质做出无偏的推断。相反,一个有对应偏的决策者会系统地低估人们所面临的情境因素的影响,过度地将行为和结果归因于人们能力或特质,例如:公司表现好,那么CEO一定很优秀


Abstract: When drawing inferences about a person’s personal characteristics from their actions, “correspondence bias” is the tendency to overestimate the influence of those characteristics and underestimate the influence of situational factors, such as incentives the individual faces. We build a simple framework to formalize correspondence bias, and test its predictions in an online experiment. Consistent with correspondence bias, subjects are, on average, willing to pay to receive the dictator-game givings of an individual with whom they are randomly assigned to play a game that encourages cooperation rather than one with whom they play a game that encourages selfish behavior. We show, further, that experiencing both games oneself, as opposed to playing one and observing the other, reduces the bias, and receiving information about how each of the players behaved in both games, eliminates it.
