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Sustainable Development Goals 2020 -- Global Progress and Practices

发文时间: 2020-11-15 阅读次数:





开幕致辞 8:15-8:30

郑新业 (太阳集团tyc151院长 教授)

主旨演讲 8:30-9:30

演讲:Intergenerational Networks, Unemployment, and Persistent Inequality

主讲嘉宾:Jeremy MAGRUDER (University of California at Berkeley)

Session 1 9:30-12:00

l 演讲:Where does Asia and the Pacific stand in the achievement of the 17 SDGs?

主讲嘉宾:Van NGUVEN(ESCAP United Nations)

l 演讲:The Targeted Poverty Alleviate Program in China – Policies and Data


l 演讲:Parental Investment, School Quality, and the Persistent Benefits of Intervention in Early Childhood

主讲嘉宾:Sean SYLVIA (University of North Carolina)

l 演讲:Labor Rationing

主讲嘉宾:Yogita SHAMDASANI (National University of Singapore)

l 演讲:100% Renewable Energy Supply: A Qinghai Case Study



主旨演讲 8:30-9:30

主旨演讲:Promotion Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from Chinese Schools

主讲嘉宾:Albert PARK (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Session 2 9:30-12:00

l 演讲:Redistribution of Globalization Dividend: Experience from China


l 演讲:Direct and Indirect of Financial Access on SMEs

主讲嘉宾:蔡婧 (马里兰大学)

l 演讲:Microfinance Can Raise Incomes: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in China


l 演讲:The Environmental and Economic Consequences of Internalizing Border Spillovers


l 演讲:Air Pollution and COVID-19 Transmission: Evidence from China

主讲嘉宾:何国俊 (香港科技大学)


Jing CAI is an   Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics   at the University of Maryland. She is a Research Fellow at NBER, an affiliate   of the Bureau for BREAD, and an affiliated professor of the Abdul Latif   Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). She currently serves as the associate   editor of the Journal of Development Economics and   the Economic Development and Cultural Change. Her research areas are   development economics, Chinese economy, and household finance. Her current   research examines the growth of micro-enterprises and SMEs, diffusion and   impacts of financial innovations in developing countries, and impacts of tax   incentives on firm behavior.


Shu CAI   is an Associate Professor at IESR, Jinan University. He received his BS and   MA from Peking University, and PhD in economics from Hong Kong University of   Science and Technology. His research focuses on Development Economics, Labor   Economics, and Applied Microeconomics. He has published in Journal of   Development Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, China   Economic Review and Oxford Economic Papers.


Guojun HE is an Assistant   professor in the Division of Social Science, Division of Environment &   Sustainability, and Department of Economics at The Hong Kong University of   Science and Technology (HKUST). He is a faculty affiliate of HKUST's   Institute for Emerging Market Studies and Institute for Public Policy. He   holds a concurrent appointment at the Energy Policy Institute of the   University of Chicago (EPIC) and serves as the research director of   EPIC-China.


Chen Lin is a professor of School of Applied Economics, Renmin University of China. Dr. Lin obtained his PhD from Waseda University, Japan. His research focuses on industrial economics and input-output economics.


Jeremy MAGRUDER   is an Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Resource   Economics, University of California at Berkeley. His research studies employment and unemployment in developing   countries, where labor markets are characterized by low levels of formal sector   employment, high levels of informal employment and entrepreneurship (which   often exhibits low levels of productivity), and high levels of structural   unemployment. He publishes in The American Economic Review, Journal of   Development Economics, AEJ: Applied Economics, The Economic Journal, and   more.


Albert PARK is a development and labor economist   who is an expert on China’s economic development. He is Head and Chair   Professor of Economics, Chair Professor of Social Science, and Professor of   Public Policy at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In recent   years he has published articles in leading economics journals on firm   performance, poverty and inequality, migration and employment, health and   education, and the economics of aging in China.


Feng Song is an associate professor at Renmin University of China. Her research focuses on China’s energy economics and current research topics include energy efficiency, renewable energy development and power sector reform of China. Before she joined Renmin University, she graduated from Michigan State University with a Ph.D in Environmental and Resource Economics. She has published papers in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Applied Energy, Energy Economics and Energy Policy.a47ba3e7abb64b24b037798e2395ff27.jpg

Sean SYLVIA is an   Assistant Professor at Department of Health   Policy and Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He   focuses on education economics and health economics. He publishes in Journal   of Labor Economics, The Economic Journal, Economic Development and Cultural   Change, and more.


Yogita SHAMDASANI   is an Assistant Professor of Economics at National   University of Singapore. She received her BA from Cornell University and Ph.D.   in economics from Columbia University. Yogita was an Assistant Professor of   Economics at the University of Pittsburgh from 2017 to 2020. Her research   focuses on Development Economics and Labor Economics. Her recent publication   in the Quarterly Journal of Economics investigates the impact of relative pay   on labor productivity in a month-long experiment with manufacturing workers   in India.


Van Thanh NGUYEN   is working in the capacity of the Sustainable Development Officer of the   United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN   ESCAP). She provides support to cross ESCAP initiatives and projects for the   implementation, follow up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable   Development. She also provides direct support to the senior management of UN   ESCAP on its contribution to the implementation of the UN Development system   reform. Prior to this, Ms. Nguyen worked at the United Nations Education,   Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) overseeing the portfolio of   promoting indigenous rights and knowledge, cultural industry development,   youth development and disability-inclusive development.


Shaoda WANG is a   postdoctoral scholar at the Department of Economics, University of Chicago.   In 2021, he will be joining the Harris School of Public Policy as an   assistant professor. He is an applied economist with research interests in   development economics, environmental economics, and political economy. Prior   to Chicago, he got his B.A. from Peking University in 2014, and his Ph.D. from   UC Berkeley in 2019.


Lunyu XIE is an Associate   Professor at School of Applied Economics, Renmin   University. Her research areas are in Development Economics, Environmental   Economics, and Energy Economics, ranging from industry migration and air quality,   electricity market reform and climate change, household energy consumption   survey and research, and green development in less developed areas, etc. She   publishes in Energy Economics, China Economic Review, Environmental and   Resource Economics, and more.


Xinye ZHENG is a   Professor of Economics and the Dean at School of Applied Economics, Renmin   University of China. His research interests include Energy Economics, Digital   Economics, and Globalization and Policy Synchronization. He has published in Nature   Energy, Nature Communication, Energy Economics, China Economic Review,   Environmental and Development Economics, Energy Policy, Regional   Environmental Change. Professor Zheng also serves as a non-residential Fellow   at Brookings Institution. He has been very often serving as a panelist at   CCTV to talk about energy and fiscal issues. He has also contributed columns   regularly to national newspapers.



















